LabFact’s First Launch Event: A Success!

Shirrell Heath, Hampshire  – June 28th– 29th, 2018

To mark the official start of the LabFact project, members of the LabFact team took part in a 2-day event in Hampshire focused on securing strong communication between the team members located throughout France and the UK.

The chemistry team members from all institutes delivered flash presentations, showcasing their research and capabilities as well as highlighting current and potential collaborations.   The poster session which followed encouraged in-depth discussions among the academic members and the chemistry team.  There were many fantastic discussions based on future synthesis of scaffolds and equipment development!

The training workshop hosted by Dr Lewis Allen (director of Pareon Chemicals) was also well received.  This workshop was directed at the chemistry team to ensure data reported on scaffolds is accurate and compatible with the databases that these molecules will be registered on.

Not to mention that the World Cup was on at this time and the members of the LabFact team enjoyed watching England battle Belgium!  Due to the diversity of the LabFact team, there were of course members cheering for both sides!